
General Information

Historians believe waist beads originated in Egypt where they were called girdles and were used as a status symbol. Wearing waist beads eventually spread to many cultures throughout West Africa.

 Depending on your region and tribe, waist beads had many meanings and uses. For example, some Ghanaians believed waist beads created a small waist and curvy hips. Customarily, waist beads were used to symbolize femininity; however, many adults wore waist beads as lingerie to entice their partner. This is why may people currently believe waist beads should be worn under clothing!

Waist beads were also used to bring awareness to posture, decorate waistlines, signify a girl’s rite of passage into womanhood, track weight loss/weight gain in adults and children, set personal goals, and hold up menstrual cloths.

Before You Order

Yes, please measure the area where you want your waist bead to sit in inches. We have a variety of waist bead lengths to choose from, but for your bead to fit you perfectly, we must know your exact measurements in inches. Your pants size is NOT a substitute for your measurement in inches. ​If you provide the incorrect measurements, we will not be held responsible.  

Forms Of Payment

 Who said you must do that?!?! You don’t. Simply check out as a guest via the PayPal portal and enter your credit your card information. As a friendly reminder, please make sure your shipping address is correct.

Placing Your Order

If you provided your correct email address, an order confirmation email and receipt will be sent to the email address you provided. If you have waited for at least 20 minutes and have not received an email confirmation and receipt, please check your spam folder. 

Shipping Infromation

Once your order is ready to be shipped, we will email you a United States Postal Service (USPS) tracking number. Once you receive your tracking information, stalk on using the link below: